Well, let me tell you, I heard folks talkin’ about this drink, Bloody Mary with Gin, the other day. They call it a Red Snapper, I reckon. Sounds a bit fancy, but it ain’t nothin’ too complicated, I suppose. It’s just like that Bloody Mary thing, but with gin instead of that other stuff, vodka or somethin’.
Now, I ain’t one for them fancy drinks much. But this one, they say it’s got somethin’ called “botanicals” in it. I ain’t too sure what it is. Maybe it’s just plants or herbs, somethin’ to make it taste better.

They say that gin makes this Bloody Mary, or Red Snapper, taste real good. Maybe even better than the regular one. I don’t know much about different kind of drinks. But I guess if you like that gin stuff, you’ll like this one too.
And you know what else they put in these things? Celery! Can you believe it? A whole stick of celery right in your drink! They say it’s the best thing to put in a Bloody Mary. Makes it look pretty, I guess. Like a little garden in your glass.
But celery ain’t the only thing. They got all sorts of things they put in these drinks. They call them garnishes. Sounds like a fancy word for just stuff you put on top. But I guess it is important to make the drink taste good and look good. They make the drink look all special and add some different tastes and… well, you know, how food feels in your mouth.
- Celery sticks: That’s the one I told you about. The long green one.
- Pickles: You know, like the ones you get in a jar. Sour and crunchy.
- Olives: The little green or black ones. Salty, I think.
- Limes: Green and sour, like lemons but different.
So, they put all these things in the drink, and it makes it look like a party in a glass. I seen some pictures, and it’s a sight, I tell ya.
Now, they say the best garnishes for a Bloody Mary make the drink taste better and look fancier. Like I said, I don’t know much about fancy. But I guess if you’re gonna drink somethin’, it might as well look nice, right?
They also put lemon wedges. You know, just a slice of lemon. That’s simple enough. I like lemon. It’s good in tea, too.
Some folks, they get real excited about these garnishes. They say it’s the best part of the whole drink! They say it makes the drink look pretty and adds all sorts of flavors and… textures, I think they called it. It’s how it feels in your mouth, I guess.
Now, what goes in this Bloody Mary with gin, besides the gin? Well, they put a bunch of stuff in there. I heard them say:
- Tomato juice: That’s the red stuff. Makes it look like, well, you know.
- Worcestershire sauce: That’s a mouthful, ain’t it? It’s some kind of brown sauce. Salty, I think.
- Hot sauce: Makes it spicy! Just a little bit, though, I hope.
- Lemon or lime juice: Like I said, sour.
- Horseradish: Now, that’s a strong one. It’s kind of spicy.
- Celery salt: Salt that tastes like celery, I reckon.
- Black pepper: For a little kick.
Then, of course, you got all them garnishes we talked about. Celery, olives, pickles, lemons, limes. Some folks even put other things, like cheese or even meat! Can you imagine? Meat in a drink?
I also heard that this Red Snapper Cocktail is what they call this Bloody Mary with gin. Sounds like a fish or somethin’, don’t it? I guess that’s a fancy name for it.

Some people put even more things on top of their Bloody Marys. Not just celery and olives, but also cheese, and even beef sticks! They soak them in that vodka stuff first, though. Sounds kinda strange to me, but I guess some folks like it.
This Bloody Mary thing, it sure is somethin’, ain’t it? Lots of stuff in it. And with that gin, it’s a whole different thing, I guess. If you like gin and you like all that other stuff, well, maybe you’ll like this Red Snapper thing. As for me, I think I’ll stick to my tea. But you young folks, you go ahead and try it. Just be careful with that gin. It can sneak up on ya!