Alright, let’s talk about this here crab stuffed sole. I ain’t no fancy chef, ya hear? Just a plain ol’ cook, but I know good food when I taste it. And this here dish, well, it’s mighty tasty.
First things first, ya gotta get yourself some sole. Now, I ain’t picky. Any kinda sole will do, long as it’s fresh. You know, not smellin’ all fishy and whatnot. Clean it up good, take out them bones and stuff. We don’t want no one chokin’ on bones, right?
Then comes the stuffin’. This is where the magic happens. You get yourself some crab meat. Don’t be stingy now. The more crab, the better it tastes, that’s what I always say. And don’t go buyin’ that fake crab stuff either. Get the real deal, the kinda crab that tastes like the sea. You know what I mean?
- Get some bread crumbs or cornbread stuffin’ cubes, them little hard pieces. They soak up all the flavor real good.
- Then chop up some veggies. Onions, peppers, whatever you got growin’ in your garden or sittin’ in your fridge. I like to use some green onions and bell peppers, give it a little color, you know? Sauté them in a pan with some butter until they get soft, just a little bit. Don’t burn em!
- Now, grab a big bowl and throw everything in there. The crab, the breadcrumbs, the veggies, and some mayonnaise. Yeah, mayonnaise. Don’t give me that look. It makes it nice and creamy. And a little bit of chicken stock, just to make things moist.
Mix it all up real good. You want everything coated in that mayonnaise and chicken stock. Then add some parsley, a sprinkle of paprika, some salt, and some pepper. Not too much salt now, you can always add more later. And for a little zing, squeeze in some lemon juice. Just a bit, don’t overdo it. Mix it all up, and taste it. See if it needs more salt or somethin’.
Now, take that stuffin’ and put it on top of your sole. Spread it out nice and even, like you’re spreadin’ butter on toast. Then, fold that sole over, like you’re makin’ a little package. You can use toothpicks to hold it together if you want. Makes it look fancy, even if it ain’t, ya know?
Preheat your oven to around 350 or 375 degrees. Don’t matter too much, long as it’s hot. Grease up a bakin’ sheet, put them stuffed soles on it, and pour a little bit of water or wine around them. Keeps ‘em from dryin’ out.
Stick them in the oven and bake for about 30 or 40 minutes. You’ll know they’re done when the fish is cooked through and the stuffin’ is nice and golden brown. And that smell, oh that smell, it’ll make your mouth water, I tell ya.
Is this crab stuffin’ the same as what’s used for crab cakes? Well, not really. This here has more crab. Crab cakes, they got more breadcrumbs and eggs, to hold ‘em together, I reckon. This stuffin’ is all about the crab.
Now, you can serve this with whatever you like. A side of rice, some veggies, whatever you got. It’s good eatin’, plain and simple. And it ain’t hard to make, even for an old woman like me. So go on, give it a try. You won’t be disappointed.
Some folks like to add shallots to the dish, but to be honest, I don’t even know what that is. Sounds fancy though! So if you like fancy, go ahead and add it when you are sautéing the veggies. Just make sure they are soft before you mix everything together. And if you want to make this dish more “classic” I heard someone say adding spinach make it a “sole Florentine”. Whatever that means, it probably still tastes good, long as you have that crab in it.
One last thing, don’t be afraid to experiment. Cooking ain’t about followin’ rules exactly. It’s about makin’ somethin’ tasty. So have fun with it, and don’t worry if it ain’t perfect. Long as it tastes good, that’s all that matters.
Tags: [crab, sole, seafood, stuffed fish, easy recipe, dinner, home cooking]