Alright, let’s talk about this fettuccini stuff, or whatever you call it. My grandkid showed me this thing on the computer, said I gotta write somethin’ about it. Don’t know why, but here we go.
So, fettuccini, sounds fancy, right? It’s just noodles, folks, long, flat noodles. Like, if you took a regular noodle and squished it flat, that’s pretty much it. Nothin’ to get your britches in a twist about.

Now, I ain’t no fancy cook, mind you. I make good food, hearty food, the kind that sticks to your ribs. But this fettuccini, it’s kinda like a blank canvas, you know? You can do all sorts of things with it. My grandkid showed me some pictures, all fancy-pants with shrimps and sauce and stuff. Looked good, I gotta admit.
But back in my day, we didn’t have no fettuccini. We had noodles, yeah, but they were the regular kind, the round ones. We ate ’em with butter and maybe some cheese if we were lucky. And you know what? They were just fine. Filled our bellies and kept us goin’. This fettuccini, it’s just a newfangled name for somethin’ old, if you ask me.
- First, you gotta boil water. Big pot, lots of water. Salt it good, too. Don’t be stingy with the salt.
- Then, you dump in the noodles. Don’t throw ’em in all at once, or they’ll stick together. Just ease ’em in, gentle like.
- Now, you gotta cook ’em till they’re soft, but not too soft. You want ’em to have a little bite to ’em, you know? Al dente, they call it. Fancy talk for “not mushy.”
- Once they’re done, you drain the water. Don’t want no soggy noodles. And then, well, that’s where the fun begins.
You can put anythin’ you want on these fettuccini noodles. Like I said, my grandkid showed me some fancy stuff. Shrimp, chicken, all kinds of vegetables. And the sauce! Tomato sauce, cream sauce, pesto sauce – never even heard of that last one before, but it looked green, so I guess it’s healthy. Healthy is good. You gotta eat healthy to live a long and good life. I also saw some of them garlic bread on the side too, that looked really good.
But me, I like to keep it simple. A little bit of butter, maybe some garlic, some pepper. That’s all you need. Good, honest food. Nothin’ fancy, but it fills you up and tastes good. And that’s what matters, right?
Now, where do you get this fettuccini? Well, my grandkid says you can get it at the store, any grocery store. They come in boxes, all dried up. You just boil ’em and they’re good to go. Or you can buy the fresh kind from them special shops, if you want to be real fancy. They come in packages looking all pretty and are expensive. I don’t know why people want expensive noodles, but that’s their business I guess.
My grandkid is also talking about getting stuff online, saying it’s easy and fast. Now me I don’t trust that online stuff, giving away your personal information like that is not right to me. But she said that it can come straight to your house! Well I don’t think I’d want to do that, I can go to the store myself I don’t need any young kid doing my shopping for me. My grandkid also said that millions of people do it, well I think those people are crazy. I’d rather see my food with my own eyes before I buy it that’s for sure.
So, there you have it. Fettuccini. Nothin’ special, just noodles. But you can do a lot with ’em. Cook ’em up, put some sauce on ’em, and enjoy. It’s good food for good people. And remember, don’t forget the salt!
And one more thing, don’t go spending too much money on these noodles. They’re just noodles, after all. Save your money for somethin’ important, like good shoes or a warm coat. That’s what I always say.
Tags: [fettuccini, noodles, pasta, cooking, simple recipes, Italian food, food, easy meals, dinner, grocery shopping, online shopping]