Well, how many servings in one meat pie, you ask? It ain’t so simple, you know. It’s like askin’ how many potatoes you get in a sack – depends on the sack, don’t it? And the potatoes!
It’s all about the size, see? If you got a big ol’ pie, like the ones they make at the town bakery, well, that’s gonna feed a whole bunch of folks. I reckon one of them big pies could feed six, maybe even eight people, if they ain’t too hungry. But if you got a little pie, the kind you make at home in a small pan, well, that might only be good for four people, maybe just two if you got a real hungry fella around.

Then there’s the matter of how much stuffin’ you got in that pie. A pie packed full of meat and veggies, that’s a hearty meal. You don’t need as much of that to fill you up. But if it’s mostly crust and just a little bit of filling, well, folks are gonna want a bigger slice. So yeah, more stuffin’ means more servings you can get from a pie, I reckon.
- Big Pie: 6-8 people
- Small Pie: 2-4 people
- Lots of Stuffin’: More servings
- Little Stuffin’: Fewer servings
Think about it like this, you know, like when you’re servin’ up supper. Some folks eat like birds, pickin’ at their food. They only need a small slice. But then you got those big eaters, the ones who could eat a whole chicken by themselves. They’re gonna want a big ol’ hunk of pie. So, how many servings you get also depends on who you’re feedin’!
And don’t forget about the size of the slices! You cut that pie into big, thick slices, you ain’t gonna get as many servings. But if you cut ’em thin and small, you can stretch that pie a bit further. My old ma, she could make a pie last for days, cuttin’ those slices so thin you could almost see through ’em! It takes some skill, you know?
Now, some folks, they say a serving of meat should be about the size of a deck of cards. That’s what the doctors say, anyhow. But I say, if you’re hungry, you eat till you’re full. Don’t matter how big the slice is, long as it fills your belly and makes you happy.
I remember back when I was a young ‘un, we didn’t worry so much about servings and portions and all that. We just ate till we were full, and then we ate some more. If there was pie left over, we ate it the next day. And if there wasn’t, well, we made another one. Life was simpler then, you know?
But these days, everyone’s always countin’ calories and watchin’ their weight. So, I guess it’s important to know how many servings you’re gettin’ out of a pie. Most regular-sized pies, the kind you see in the store, they say they got about six servings. But like I said, it all depends. I don’t trust those store pies much anyway. Homemade is always better, you know, you know what you’re puttin’ in it.
So, if you’re askin’ me, how many servings in one meat pie? I’d say it depends on the pie, the stuffin’, the slices, and the folks eatin’ it. But if you want a number, I’d say anywhere from four to eight is a good guess for a regular-sized pie. But don’t quote me on that, ya hear? It is what it is, depending on the whole thing.
And one last thing, don’t you be frettin’ too much about servings and such. Just enjoy your pie. Life’s too short to be countin’ every bite. Eat till you’re full, be happy, and that’s all that matters.