Alright, let’s talk about this no sodium salad dressing thing, you know? For us old folks, gotta watch what we eat, the doctors keep yellin’ about salt and sugar. Too much salt, they say, is bad for the ticker. And who wants a bum ticker? Not me, that’s for sure. I still got things to do, you know? Got to yell at the kids, chase the chickens… you get it.
So, this no sodium stuff… it’s important. I went to the store the other day, looking for salad dressing. Every darn bottle, I swear, was loaded with salt! I mean, why? Why do they gotta put so much salt in everything? It’s like they want us to have high blood pressure! I picked up one, then another… salt, salt, salt! It’s enough to make an old lady mad, I tell ya.

Then I saw some that said “low sodium.” Low sodium… well, that’s better than nothin’, I guess. But then I looked at the back, and it still had a whole bunch of stuff I couldn’t even pronounce! Words longer than my arm! What is all that stuff anyway? Back in my day, salad dressing was just oil and vinegar, maybe a little lemon juice. Now, it’s got all sorts of chemicals and whatnot. Makes you wonder.
So, I started lookin’ around for other options. My neighbor, bless her heart, she told me about some healthier choices. She said something about “balsamic vinegar”… somethin’ fancy. I ain’t sure what it is, but she says it’s good. And “tahini”… that sounds like somethin’ from a foreign country. She also said somethin’ about yogurt dressings. Yogurt? In salad dressing? Well, I guess if it ain’t got too much salt, it can’t be all that bad. Anything is better than all that bottled stuff, loaded with salt like a salt lick for the cows.
Anyway, she said these healthier dressings use stuff like olive oil. You know, that fancy oil from the green olives. And avocado… well, I like avocados. But I usually just eat ‘em with a spoon. Never thought about puttin’ ‘em in salad dressing. And she said something about apple cider vinegar. That’s the stuff my grandma used to use for everything, from cleaning the house to curin’ a cold. Maybe it ain’t so bad after all.
It’s important to keep the sugar down too, not just the salt. Too much sugar is just as bad, they say. Gives you the “sugar sickness,” that’s what my mama used to call it. So, gotta watch out for that too. These store-bought dressings… they sneak sugar in everywhere. You gotta read the labels real careful, even if you need a magnifying glass like me these days.
So, what’s an old lady to do? Well, I figure the best thing is to make my own salad dressing. That way, I know exactly what’s in it. No fancy words I can’t understand, and no sneaky salt or sugar. Just good, plain stuff. Olive oil, a little vinegar, maybe some lemon juice. And herbs, gotta have some herbs. My garden’s full of ‘em. Parsley, basil… all that good stuff. Makes everything taste better, and they’re good for you too, I reckon.
I ain’t sayin’ it’s easy, mind you. My hands ain’t what they used to be, and sometimes the arthritis gets to me. But it’s worth it, I think. Gotta take care of myself, you know? I ain’t ready to kick the bucket just yet. Still got plenty of yellin’ and chicken chasin’ left to do.
- So, the next time you go to the store, remember what I told ya.
- Look for the “low sodium” stuff, if you gotta buy it.
- But really, the best thing is to make your own. It ain’t that hard, and it’s a whole lot better for ya.
And don’t forget to check online, you can find all sorts of recipes these days. Just type in “no sodium salad dressing recipes” and there you go. My grandkid showed me how to do it, even an old lady like me can figure it out. Just gotta be careful, some of those recipes are still too fancy. Keep it simple, that’s what I say. Simple is always best, especially when it comes to food.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go chase those darn chickens out of the garden again. They’re always eatin’ my parsley!
Tags: [no sodium, salad dressing, low sodium, healthy eating, homemade dressing, olive oil, vinegar, healthy choices, no salt, sugar free, herbs]